What is the longest video on YouTube?

What is the longest video on YouTube

What is the longest video on YouTube? YouTube is the second most used online platform after Google, and everybody knows why.

We all are guilty of spending hours and hours of our daily lives on YouTube to watching content ranging from our favorite TV shows to our top favorite songs or even learning something new, right?

But here, a fun question rises. Have you watched a single video for hours or even for days? For the former, most answers would be yes, but for the latter, you must be wondering even if such videos exist that last for days.

Your question is valid, and the answer to it is yes they exist. The YouTube maximum video length we are talking about today lasts for three-quarters of a month, i.e. 23 days.

What is the longest video on YouTube?

Yes, you read that right! The biggest video on YouTube has a duration of 571 hours or 23 days 19 hours. The video in fact is named The longest video on YouTube uploaded by the MoldyToasterMedia channel. The video is made by a 25-year-old app designer Jonathan Harchick, and it is a compilation of pictures from his trip to Chile.

You may be wondering what the point of compiling pictures in a 571 hours video is? Well, your concern is valid. The concept of the video is inspired by 1964 Andy Warhol’s EMPIRE film. The film is a black and white silent footage of the Empire State building spanning 8 hours.

Moreover, Harchick asserts that the achievement of the video is not the content but the duration. According to him, the video aims for a technological breakthrough rather than an artistic one.

“To me, the challenge was about the compression” – he said while talking to HuffPost Weird News. “Putting that long of a video on YouTube requires a lot of compression because the site only allows 20 gigabytes”. There’s a lot of work that went into this, but I think only the tech nerds will recognize the effort.

Another technological tidbit about long videos is their size limit. The YouTube file size limit at the time this video was created was only 20GB.

So, it also encompasses this challenge by not only covering the most extended YouTube video length limit but also under a file size of 549 megabytes only.

The creator of this video, Harchick, challenges his viewers in the video description to make a video longer than his.

However, the real challenge here is to watch the complete video, which we believe even Harchick did not do. He mentioned, “I do believe that if you watch the entire clip, it will change your life – and not in a good way”.

This record was set 9 years ago. The decade is over, but no other video could beat it. We wonder if the conquest to beat it ever gets opened or not.

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