How to change directory in CMD in Windows 10

Knowing how to change directory in CMD in Windows 10 may be considered a thing of the past. Although, there’s no denying that it still remains relevant to this date. Windows 10 gives its users the opportunity to not only run advanced complex commands, but also the basic ones to make the most out of…

How to flush DNS in Windows 10 and why you should

Knowing how to flush DNS in Windows 10 can help you speed up things a little bit. Are you looking for ways to clear the DNS cache on your Windows 10 computer without getting lost in complex DNS settings? This article features three step-by-step methods that will help you resolve all your DNS-related problems in…

How to convert JPG to PDF on Windows 10

If you’ve been wondering how to convert JPG to PDF on Windows 10 – that’s exactly what we’ll be focusing in this article. Converting formats of different files such as JPG, PNG, or PDF is a piece of cake in Windows 10. The best part is that you don’t have to download any additional applications…

How to remove the PIN from Windows 10

In this article, we will be showing you how to remove the PIN from Windows 10 PC. Microsoft Windows 10 comes with a variety of security features to keep your computer safe from any potential threats. One of these security features is the basic PIN code that users may set on their lock screen to…

How to format an SD card in Windows 10

This article will give you all the required information on how to format SD cards on Windows 10. Formatting a corrupted or damaged SD card can help you repair it for reuse. If you are unsure about how to format a memory card on a Windows computer, we’re here to guide you. This article features…

How to connect 2 computers together

There are occasions when knowing how to connect 2 computers together is necessary to get a task done. For example, you may need to transfer some files or resources from your co-worker’s Windows computer to yours. However, not all of us are aware of how to link two computers for file sharing. With this in…

How to put programs to sleep in Windows 10

If you’ve been willing to know how to put programs to sleep in Windows 10, then this is the article for you. Putting programs in the sleep setting is one of the first fixes for a computer that slows down or runs out of battery quickly. This happens mostly because you have too many processes…

How to enable virtualization in Windows 10

If you want to add a virtual machine and you’re willing to learn how to enable virtualization in Windows 10, this article’s for you. This guide features two simple ways of enabling hardware virtualization. Windows 10 saw the introduction of many useful things, one of them is its ability to support CPU virtualization which is…