How to check RAM and RAM speed on Windows 10

If you’ve been searching for information on how to check RAM and RAM speed on Windows 10, stay with us. We’ll get into that in this article. “Check the ram of the device before you buy it” – Sounds familiar? We cannot remember the number of times we have come across this advice. Whenever you…

How to change the default folder view in Windows 10

Throughout this article, we’ll be focusing on how to change the default folder view in Windows 10 by analyzing methods to customize how the folders are displayed on your computer. All of us have faced that time when everything on our Windows starts to appear boring. The display simply seems to not please the eyes…

Como baixar musica do YouTube (conversor de YouTube para MP3)

Se está interessado em saber como baixar musica do YouTube forma simples e eficaz, fique connosco ao longo deste artigo informativo. O YouTube é uma das maiores ferramentas de vídeos do mundo inteiro. Por dia são postados centenas de vídeos, entre aulas, vídeos musicais, paródias e muito mais. Apesar de haver outras ferramentas que possibilitam…

Cómo instalar Windows 10 desde una unidad USB

En este artículo aprenderás cómo instalar Windows 10 desde una unidad USB. Windows 10 es el sistema operativo de escritorio y laptops por excelencia, aunque instalarlo desde cero puede ser un desafío. Te cuento como lograrlo superando los aspectos claves y sin complicaciones adicionales. Cómo instalar Windows 10 desde una unidad USB A continuación, te…

Cómo descargar estados de WhatsApp

Si eres un usuario de WhatsApp y te has preguntado cómo descargar estados de WhatsApp, has llegado al lugar correcto, ya que vamos a profundizar en eso a través de este artículo. La plataforma de mensajería fue fundada por los ex empleados de Yahoo Brian Acton y Jan Koum en 2009 y posteriormente fue adquirida…

How to put programs to sleep in Windows 10

Wondering how to put programs to sleep in Windows 10 computer? Search no more! We’ll be focusing on that all through this article. After long periods of use, your computer is likely to feel slow at some point or run out of battery juice faster. If it is not a battery problem, it could be…

How to set a program to high priority in Windows 10

Throughout this article, we’ll show you how to set a program to high priority in Windows 10. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? When the PC is running multiple programs at once and fails to execute the task at hand. This freeze usually happens when the background programs take too much of the computer’s processing…

How to sort folders by size in Windows 10

Stay in this article if you have been wondering how to sort folders by size in Windows 10. We store a ton of files on our computers. From images and videos to documents and music, computers provide a great way to keep everything organized. On Windows 10, as you would expect, you can store files,…

How to fix the Windows 10 night light not working

In this article, you’ll learn how to fix Windows 10 night light not working. You might have often heard of the term “blue light”. It’s an expression to designate the emitted light from the screens that surround us in our everyday life. Whether it’s the TV or the smartphone, all of our device’s screens emit…

The Ultimate Guide To YouTube

This comprehensive guide will cover the history of YouTube, how to create accounts/channels, and everything you need to know for optimizing your YouTube experience. Introduction Even if you’ve never touched the website in the past, you’ve likely heard of YouTube. Since its humble inception, YouTube has become one of the most popular and culturally significant…