Biggest pros and cons of Windows 10

Throughout this article, we’ll be discussing the pros and cons of Windows 10. This operating system is one of the latest applications that technology has to offer. Everybody would recommend it as it offers everything: regular updates, compatibility with the latest applications, technical support, and so on. But is it really as good as people…

How to uninstall Spotify in Windows 10

Stay tuned to learn how to uninstall Spotify in Windows 10. Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming services in the world. It offers many features that usually make it the go-to choice for music listeners. But while the Spotify app for mobile devices is absolutely fantastic, the same can’t be said for…

Como baixar conversas do WhatsApp

Neste artigo irá aprender como baixar conversas do WhatsApp e histórico de bate-papo. Quem nunca desejou ter todas aquelas conversas antigas e importantes para acesso futuro? Seja para guardar como prova de um produto adquirido ou pelo próprio teor da conversa, nós sempre desejamos ter o backup das mensagens do WhatsApp. Fique sabendo que isso…

Cómo descargar conversaciones de WhatsApp

En este artículo, te explicaremos paso a paso cómo descargar conversaciones de WhatsApp y el historial de chats. Esto podría ser útil en muchas situaciones. Por ejemplo, si vas a dejar de usar la aplicación para cambiarte a otro servicio de mensajería instantánea o si compraste un teléfono móvil más actualizado y quieres conservar tu…

Best RAID for NAS

Throughout this article, we’ll determine what is the best RAID for NAS. Keep reading if that interests you. Change is the only constant. This statement aptly stands true for today’s digitalized and technology-driven world. Today, technology is evolving and growing at a pace much faster than the world itself. But here is the thing, there…

How to change page size in Google Docs

If you’ve been searching the web for information on how to change page size in Google Docs, stay with us as we’ll be discussing that. It’s difficult to calculate how many times we have wanted to throw our computer out of the window because of the wrong paper size or the page setup. What would…

How to get uTorrent to download faster

If you have been wondering how to get uTorrent to download faster, stay tuned. Torrenting remains one of the most reliable methods to share large files. Even though most people think that torrents are used only for piracy, that’s not a true fact. It is extremely useful to share files in a decentralized manner. This…

Como baixar WhatsApp no ​​Android, PC, iPhone e iPad

Neste nosso artigo você vai aprender como baixar WhatsApp no ​​Android, PC, iPhone e iPad. Não é segredo para nenhum ser humano que o WhatsApp é um dos aplicativos mais utilizados no mundo. A ferramenta que veio para substituir nosso amado SMS, apresenta uma série de funcionalidades que ultrapassam a barreira do somente enviar um…

How to block adult websites in Windows 10

Stay with us if you have been wondering how to block adult websites in Windows 10. We all know the Internet can be a dark and scary place. And given that you can find practically anything there, it’s logical that some content isn’t suitable for some users. Adult sites, in particular, have long been a…