Size vs size on disk

Size vs size on disk, what are the differences between both? This article explains it all! When looking at a folder’s properties on your computer, you will notice different options. Under the “General” tab, you can see two separate parameters explaining the size of that particular folder. “Size” and “Size on Disk” are two different…

Using virtual memory is faster than just using RAM: is it really?

There is a lot that goes on inside a computer case, and there are a lot of people questioning if using virtual memory is faster than just using RAM. Many different parts work together to give you the computing experience that you need. A commonly known component inside a computer is known as RAM (Random…

How many kB in a GB and other file sizes explained

In this article, you’ll learn to answer questions like knowing how many KB are in a GB – you can also find it written as “How many kilobytes in a gigabyte”. We’ll also dive into other file size explanations and their conversions. Understanding file sizes is not always that simple. There are a bunch of…

How to search YouTube channels

Do you want to know how to search YouTube channels on different platforms? Then you’ve come to the right place. Most people would agree that YouTube is really easy to use. And why wouldn’t it be? The platform pays a lot of attention to making YouTube as user-friendly as possible, so you don’t come across…

How to share a YouTube channel

Willing to learn how to share a YouTube channel? You’re in the right place! Did you stumble on an interesting YouTube channel recently? Or you are the owner of a channel that you would like your friends to watch so they can subscribe? The best thing to do is to share the channel with them.…

How to get or change a custom YouTube URL

Throughout this article, you’ll get to know how to get a custom YouTube URL or change a YouTube channel URL. YouTube is one of the best platforms for people to produce content and make a name for themselves. If you are trying to establish your own identity on YouTube, you should do everything to make…

Problem ejecting USB mass storage device: common fixes

If you have a problem ejecting USB mass storage device, you came to the right place. Throughout this article, we’ll cover the most common fixes. USB mass storage devices are one of the most common ways people backup their data or transfer files to colleagues or friends. There are many types of USB devices like…