How many iPhone users are there?

If you’ve been wondering how many iPhone users are there, you’ve got to the right spot! You certainly have heard of Apple, or probably even have used an Apple device. Yes, we’re talking about Apple Inc., one of the leading smartphone manufacturing companies in the world. However, the brand is not restricted to smartphone devices…

Pros and Cons of Tinder

In this article, we’ll be focusing on the Pros and Cons of Tinder. At some point, everyone wonders whether getting the Tinder app is worth it or not. And after hearing from so many people about it, the mixed opinions often lead to confusion and misdirection. Pros and Cons of Tinder The times have changed…

Tinder for seniors

There are several applications like Tinder for Seniors. Searching for a relationship at different ages tends to change. Over time, you reach a point where all you seek is to settle down with someone rather than going for casual hookups and relationships. The search for potential partners by elderly people can be extremely difficult since…

How to lock a folder in Windows 10

Do you know how to lock a folder in Windows 10 to keep your data safe? If not, keep reading as we’ll be focusing on that matter throughout this article. Locking your private files is the best way to keep them confidential and secure, especially when the same PC is used by other members of…

How to remove Windows 10 password

Knowing how to remove Windows 10 password may be useful if you’re not sharing your computer with others. Tired of typing your login password every time your PC sleeps or you sign in to your computer? If that’s the case, you might find this guide super helpful as it contains some simple methods that will…

How to check CPU temp in Windows 10

Checking and regulating your CPU temperature is one of the easiest ways to avoid any potential damage and malfunctioning of the system. If you’re willing to learn how to check CPU temp in Windows 10, this guide describes some of the best methods and tools that you can use to monitor your processor temperature in…

Incognito mode on Google Chrome explained (private tab)

Throughout this article, you’ll have incognito mode on Google Chrome explained step-by-step. Have you ever heard about private browsing? Yes, you read that right, private browsing. Are you aware of the fact that you can surf the internet, and your browser would not save any of your data? Your browsing history and cookies all will…

Chrome recently closed the list of tabs: how to open it?

This article explains how to open a Google Chrome recently closed tabs list. We all are guilty of opening hundreds of tabs while browsing the internet. But sometimes, we accidentally hit the cross button and lose our tab treasure. Then we all rely upon and pray for the restore tabs option to appear and save…

How to open tab group in Chrome

This article explains how to open tab group in Chrome and also how to use the tab group feature in that browser. We all are guilty of opening multiple tabs at once. Whether you are working on an academic assignment or doing a job activity, we end up opening tens of tabs. These tabs can…

Closing tabs on Android

Closing tabs on Android may not be as straightforward as it seems at a first glance. When you exit the browser app on your phone that does not mean your opened tabs are closed. Yes, you read that right. All old tab windows remain open. These open tab windows use a lot of memory and…