YouTube private vs unlisted videos: What’s the difference?

YouTube private vs unlisted videos What's the difference

In this article, we’ll clarify the differences between YouTube private vs unlisted videos. It’s more than likely that you have uploaded at least a video to YouTube.

Security when sharing videos is a concern for many. If you have been thinking about the best ways to upload videos to YouTube, we are going through some of the main options: private and unlisted.

Sometimes you just have a funny video of your kids. Or maybe you have created a video of your home and you want to market it.

YouTube is also useful to display your work, attract more clients to your business, or just aim to become a YouTuber.

Close to 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day. So, let’s make sure yours is shared with the right viewers.

It’s worth bearing in mind that the default setting for YouTube when uploading videos is “Public”. Unless you change it, anyone can watch your video. If a video is Public, it means that anyone can share it too.

Table of Contents

  1. YouTube private vs unlisted videos: What’s the difference?
    1. What does Private mean on YouTube?
    2. What does Unlisted mean on YouTube?
    3. How to change your YouTube video settings?
    4. How to watch Private YouTube videos
    5. How to watch Unlisted YouTube videos
  2. Wrap Up

YouTube private vs unlisted videos: What’s the difference?

What does Private mean on YouTube?

When you upload a private video on YouTube, you need to invite people to be able to watch it. And they can only watch it if they have a Google account. You can invite up to 50 people to watch a private video.

People who try to search for your video won’t get any results. Subscribers to your channel won’t be able to watch it either unless you have invited them.

Private YouTube videos don’t appear in a viewer’s recommendations either.

If someone you invite to watch your video tries to share it, the other person won’t be able to watch it. The viewer needs to be logged into the Google account which they received the invitation from.

The “Private” option is great to share longer videos with your family. Many companies use the private setting for internal training videos.

For jobseekers, it’s a simple way to share your portfolio with multiple interviewees.

What does Unlisted mean on YouTube?

Unlisted videos still require a shared link to be watched. The main difference is that the viewer doesn’t need to have a Google account.

People can watch it if they come across it, but it still won’t appear in search results.

Some question if there is much of an advantage between private and unlisted. In many situations, the benefit is that you can share your videos with more than 50 people.

This makes it better for larger organizations. It is also good if you want to create surveys or get feedback because viewers can comment on the videos.

If you are a YouTuber, you can use the Unlisted to quickly clean up your channel.

By making older videos unlisted, they can no longer be searched for. Your viewers now have a list of your more relevant videos.

How to change your YouTube video settings?

From your account, click on the camera on the top right-hand side. Follow the upload instructions and click on next. The next step has your privacy settings:

YouTube private vs unlisted videos What's the difference

Choose the option that you prefer and select “Save”. It is a two-second job to choose the best option for your type of video and it is well worth it if you don’t want the whole world to see your content.

How to watch Private YouTube videos

The only way to watch a private video on YouTube is from the email you receive from the uploader.

Open the email and you will see the YouTube iconic red box with three white horizontal dots.

When you click on this link, the YouTube video will open in a separate window.

How to watch Unlisted YouTube videos

To watch an unlisted video on YouTube you can still click on the link that is sent to you via email.

But, as you only need the link, you can also copy and paste the URL and send it to others you think would enjoy it.

An unlisted video does state that it is unlisted and that the uploader prefers that it isn’t widely shared.

Try to only share these videos with trustworthy people who would find them useful rather than posting them on your social media pages.

Wrap Up

For those seeking fame on YouTube, you might be shocked at the idea of wanting to restrict your content. For many people, the idea is to get the most views and shares as possible.

And with so many people making YouTube their go-to place for videos, it is your best audience.

However, YouTube can also be used for several professional uses. Compliance and company training is far more engaging when in video format.

YouTube makes it easier to share this training without allowing other companies or even your rivals to take your ideas.

As for your personal videos. Something you thought that was hilarious when you were 20 might not be so funny at 30.

Once on the internet, it’s there for good, so taking advantage of private and unlisted videos might save those embarrassing moments reappearing later on.

Now that you know the difference between YouTube unlisted vs private videos you can choose the best option for you.

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